We offer a series of services based on prevention, management, supervision and control of all aspects of regulatory compliance required to achieve the maximum development of the Company´s activity in its different departments. We manage so with the lowest possible risk of transgressing the current legislation.
Our consulting compliance services provide you with legal, technological and organizational solutions.
Our programs of due compliance and control will avoid legal complicatios for administrators and legal persons, in relation to the possible suspension of activity, closure of premises, dissolution of the legal entity, among others.
What compliance programs seek is not only to exempt us from a conviction, but also to encourage good business ethics and compliance with the rule at all costs, facilitating the court in the event of failure to identify the alleged offender within the person legal.
By putting yourself in the hands of BRAVE & PARTNERS COMPLIANCE you guaranteeing peace and legality for your company. We prevent and manage all areas of compliance, ensuring 100% corporate transparency and advising on the matter from implementation to implementation, along with the professional supervision.
With the entry of Organic Law 5/2010, which amended the Organic Law 10/1995 of the Criminal Code, it imposed on all legal persons the lifting of the “veil” of impunity, in order to grant criminal responsibility to them and to be able to prosecute and condemn the criminal activities committed by both the employees, as well as by the administrative and management bodies belonging to the corporation and third parties who have any kind of relationship with them.
Later, with the entry into force of Organic Law 1/2015, of March 30, which modified the aforementioned L.O. 5/2010, the legislator bets for the continuity of the criminal responsibility of the legal persons and the rest of people that are in relation with the same one, but this time the necessity arises to implant programs of normative fulfilment in the legal persons (CORPORATE COMPLIANCE PROGRAMS), in order to prove to the business market, the action according to law, of legal persons, the possible mitigation or exemption of a possible future criminal liability in which it is tried to condemn the legal entity, to avoid irregularities due to a commitment created with the company by all the participants and being able to know their own risks and establish control measures.